A certification from the Unique Friends Foundation means:
You have completed a series of informative seminars created by our Special Needs Advisory board.
​The overall goal of these seminars is to increase your knowledge, as an employer, of an untapped group of individuals eager to be employed. It is also to increase your confidence in the decision to hire individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
You have completed our District Partnership program
This is your opportunity to experience the employee/employer relationship with the assistance of school district in your area​
You register as a "UNIQUE PARTNER"
As a Unique Partner:
You are confirming your acceptance of our annual evaluation. It is conducted by members of our advisory board to ensure you are maintaining the practices laid out in our certification training.
You are confirming your commitment to hiring individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities when possible
You are giving permission for The Unique Friends Foundation to place our certification decal in the window of your establishment.​
You will be educated about an untapped, loyal community of individuals eager to use their unique skills.
You will be exposed to the potential benefits that come from employing individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
You will be encouraged to think outside of the box and recognize opportunities to hire our Unique Friends.
You will be empowered with tools to become TUFF champions in your community.
You will experience the joy that comes from seeing our Unique Friends live up to their potential.