P.A.C.T. Workshops
Parent Awareness
"Teach a child as though he is already the person he is capable of becoming"
~ Haim Ginott
During this workshop, parents will receive helpful
information to establish a positive partnership with those
caring for and teaching their child.
TRAINING WILL INCLUDE (but is not limited to) Topics such as:
Interest Learning
Socialization, and more
Now is the time to invest and prepare for the
independence of tomorrow.
Community Awareness
“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many
― Mother Teresa
The world is full of "Passer-byers". Don't fall into the rhythm of de-sensitivity. We believe in these words spoken by one of the worlds greatest gifts...
During the Community Awareness Workshop, you will hear about
"The Power of One" - a concept that means more than it implies.
Our goal is to:
Encourage and challenge at least one person to act as a catalyst for change in their community and
Help those with special needs who may be longing to share their talents and skills find their footing.
Preparing A Community to Thrive